Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Post #3: York Neighborhood Association General Meeting

This Wednesday night, Nov. 13, the York Neighborhood Association (YNA) will be having a general neighborhood meeting at the Garden Street Methodist Church, 1326 N. Garden St., starting at 6:30 p.m.  
There will be a couple of different topics, but foremost among them is the Indian Street riot that happened on Oct. 12.
Anne Mackie is a board member on the YNA and she said that she hopes that this meeting will be an opportunity for neighbors and students to discuss and create positive feelings of community as everybody tries to heal from this recent event.
            Other items on the agenda include winter birding and bird boxes for the community and announcements for a couple of other upcoming YNA events.

For more information on the meeting visit http://www.yorkneighborhood.org/ and for more information on the Oct. 12 riot visit http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2013/10/13/3257033/hundreds-riot-on-high-street-in.html for the original Bellingham Herald article and http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2013/11/10/3303810/bellingham-riot-costs-exceed-6000.html for the most recent update on the riot.

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